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A Case of The Weirdest Cold Ever

Updated: Apr 3, 2022

My patient called on a Tuesday evening with complaints of extremely low energy and focus; she felt as though a cold or flu was brewing, especially after feeling “off” over the weekend.

Catching and then fighting off a minor, acute illness is a sign our body is energetically responsive.

On Tuesday, she was extremely tired, cold, and struggled to focus at work, upon arriving home she indulged in warm drinks, a warm bath, and settled into bed with the lights off. Head felt as though it was becoming stuffed, but wasn’t there yet. Her throat was slightly irritated with a burning sensation, her eyes were tired, and scalp felt tense.

I prescribed one dose of Arsenicum Album 200ch that night.

Wednesday morning she was sneezing more and there was a drip in the throat; but it wasn’t burning as much. She was still not stuffed up. Head felt clearer, so she took another dose.

I didn't hear from her all week, assuming all was well.

On Friday, she texted with a “full on cold” and felt exhausted with a “snotty, drippy, sneezy nose”. She was tired all week and “worked through the whole throat cycle (sore then different sore then healing) but the fatigue and nose remained and are now at their worst”. So she got better, but wasn't at her best.

I advised another dose of Arsenicum and by the next day she was better, by Monday she was back to 100%.

This is a great example of how homeopathy heals. As stated by my patient: it was the weirdest cold ever! She felt the symptoms and the flow of the colds that she usually gets, but is was less intense and didn’t interfere with her daily life. She did not have to miss any work and it did not inconvenience her daily life other than going to bed earlier each night (which may have been the rest she needed to heal up). This isn’t a weird cold, this is Homeopathy!

What would have made this cold go by quicker? We could have repeated the remedy more to continue nudging the body to health. The “full on cold” she felt on Friday was a sign that her body needed another nudge. Once she took another dose, she was back on track in healing.

More rest may have helped; Homeopathy helps process illness and helps the body heal itself. This can be taxing so we still need to honour the bodies need for rest; it’s working hard! Homeopathy isn’t fixing or suppressing the symptoms, it’s guiding the body; the body is doing all the hard work.

So, you might say, "she still got sick!", but that's an important part of all this; getting a cold here or there is a good thing. Catching, and then fighting off, a minor acute illness is a sign our body is energetically responsive. It means we can fight incoming viruses, it means our body can communicate illness to us, and it gives us the opportunity to slow down and rest (which we all need these days). Homeopathy is a great tool to encourage the progression of the illness, reduce severity, and boost the immune system in the process.

To learn more about using Homeopathy at Home, for cold and flu and beyond, click here! This comprehensive course demystifies Homeopathy and teaches you about potency, dosage, and 20+ top remedies for home acutes.

For more information on how Homeopathy can help you individually, book a curiosity call with me!

In good health,


I'm Paula, Homeopath and Hypnotherapist. I help individuals reconnect with their body's innate wisdom so that they can support themselves as they heal and grow beyond their chronic symptoms.


To learn more, click here!


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