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finding medicine in creative expression

simillimum (si-mil'i-mÅ­m): the most similar remedy in a given case, which covers all the totality of the symptoms and promotes cure.

Notebook and Pen

"I can connect with myself quickly and deeply. I am listening and holding space for myself in ways that I never have. I now relate to my symptoms and my body in a way that brings ease and healing rather than stagnation and suffering."



Underneath it all is your Vital Force; the energy that enlivens you and your symptoms.


Your Vital Force uses your symptoms to do a few things:


1. Meet your needs (the way hunger reminds you to eat)

2.  Adapt to threat (the way adrenaline gets you moving!)

3. Regain balance after threat (the way you get tired after exertion)


Ultimately, to keep you alive.


When a threat is prolonged, the healing process isn't allowed to complete, or needs are denied, symptoms persist and we call them "chronic dis-ease". Then we blame the body for "malfunctioning".


But your body isn't broken or confused.


It's responding to threat to keep you alive, be it real or perceived threat.


The real problem, keeping you stuck in chronic symptoms, is the relationship between you, your vital force, and your symptoms. 















The Program


Becoming the Similimum follows a simple but intentional format that guides you back to your body, one prompt at a time.


Using carefully crafted journalling prompts and lessons that provoke new perspectives, you’ll have space to dig into your stories and beliefs around healing.


The magic of BTS exists within the group, too. Structured opportunities to share open the door to seeing the common humanity in chronic dis-ease, a deep reminder that you’re not alone.


This process will evoke “aha moments” each week where your pen will reveal new insights around the purpose of your symptoms, your unmet needs, and what your body is truly needing to heal.​


You'll learn about yourself, your needs, and the messages behind your most persistent symptoms.​ You'll gain compassion and curiosity for yourself and open up new doorways for deeper healing.


And then, instead of looking for cures outside of yourself, you'll harness the potency of the medicine that's been within you all along - you'll become the similimum.


Next cohort runs April/May!

Join the waitlist here

Waitlist will have access to

early bird pricing!


To know, love and trust your self and become the authority in your healing journey.


Healing perspectives, creative journalling prompts and a small, supportive group.

You've tried it all...

...done every detox, taken every remedy, dug into every lab test. You've seen all the experts and scrolled through a million health accounts.


 The same old symptoms keep coming back around, or worse, new ones.


It's exhausting, overwhelming, confusing. You're annoyed, depleted, and out of ideas.


So let's take pause, take a big breath, and get back to the basics.


There's a part of you that knows exactly what you need. It's buried under all the noise and opinions and expert insights, behind the hatred you feel towards your symptoms, and all the authorities that have convinced you they know better than you do.



Notebook and Pen_edited.jpg

"I feel like I understand my body and symptoms so much more."

Before Similimum, I was constantly

searching outside of myself for the answers of

how to heal. With Paula's gentle guidance into reflection, I feel like I understand my body and symptoms so much more. It is easy for me to hold compassion and understand how each symptom has been a way for my body to protect and communicate with me. With this new connection, symptoms aren't feeling like they have to scream to be heard anymore and I am better able to meet my body's

needs for safety, connection, nourishment, and

rest. So grateful to have been

part of this course.


Erin S.

"Before Similimum, I was scared of my symptoms. They felt foreign and not a part of me - I just wanted them gone. After Similimum, I felt such a deep connection to Myself and realized that symptoms are an invitation to meet myself. I was able to connect to my Vital Force and to parts of me that have been hiding. I've realized through this course that nothing is outside of me - I am the remedy; I am what I need, and I can trust myself and my body. Paula was wonderful as always. I have taken many of her courses and always come away with something profound. ​ The group of ladies was also amazing, and it was so nice to know I was not alone in my journey. I feel more empowered and connected, and I would recommend Similimum to anyone."   Naomi


"I have taken many courses along my own healing journey and this was, by far, one of my favorites;...


...the smaller, intimate group setting, the ability to connect with what-is in real time via the prompts, along with the openness and willingness to share (of the participants)...made it feel like a safe environment to heal in!"



What you'll explore:​

Your Vital Force: reconnect with your vital force and remember how to collaborate with it in healing.

Your symptoms: learn to see them in new ways.

Your patterns: uncover the unconscious patterns playing out in your symptoms

Self Expression: practice self expression each week, connecting deeper with your needs

​The Future: how to move forward with intention.

The Details

What: Six-weekly 75-minute sessions

Where: on Zoom

Investment: $300 CAD

Early Bird (Waitlist only) $250


Next Cohort: April 2025​


*Payment plans available please contact


Stationary photo

Before Similimum, I was constantly

searching outside of myself for the answers of

how to heal. With Paula's gentle guidance into reflection, I feel like I understand my body and symptoms so much more. It is easy for me to hold compassion and understand how each symptom has been a way for my body to protect and communicate with me. With this new connection, symptoms aren't feeling like they have to scream to be heard anymore and I am better able to meet my body's

needs for safety, connection, nourishment, and

rest. So grateful to have been

part of this course.


Erin S.

About Paula

Homeopath and professional puzzle solver, Paula brings new, grounded perspectives to the art of healing, to help reignite the connection to your vital force. In Similimum, she'll be teaching foundational concepts to re-frame the way you think about your symptoms and practical prompts for self-exploration so you can work with with your body in your healing journey.

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